Why traditional press notes are scaring potential customers?

When a company has something to say, it follows a certain protocol that has been established with the passage of time and given almost done and closed. It matters little what you want to tell and it matters little real and objective importance that the act in question. The head of the company wants that to become news, so sometimes with many pauses along the way other much more directly (all depends on the size of the company which is spoken) the subject matter ends up in hands your personal communication or your agency. It matters little, the truth, that when the subject comes to these hands indicated that the subject is difficult and it will be difficult that journalists pay attention to him (in his defense I must say that this happens). Once a topic has started the way to become news, news will have to end up being (or at least press release will have to be). Who is responsible for communication will create a related note; it shall undergo a hundred corrections and massively sent to the media. Hopefully, it will appear in a header, but it is likely that the shipment in question becomes one more than the journalists sent directly to the recycle bin in your emails.

Why then do all that long process and why invest time, effort and money on something that does not culminate in anything really useful?

Why traditional press notes are scaring potential customersThe journalists, who often are tired of receiving press releases on multifarious issues and sometimes slightly absurd, say that nobody is stopping to really think about what they need and what they value and that the communications department or agency question is simply selling smoke and promises that are not going to comply. Since communication possibly point out that it is the only way to make journalists know that they exist and that sometimes jumps the hare (there is the golden month of August, when nothing happens news – and yes, any journalist who has worked in August can confirm that it is the wasteland of despair information – and any press release is celebrated with enthusiasm because it can be news) and ensures that the brand becomes news.

But is this really the best way to make the brand news? Is the best way to achieve that potential consumers connect with the brand?

The truth is that this point is quite questionable. Press releases that do not really contribute anything of value usually no longer cross the border of the media in question. Journalists often throw them directly as receive them. In fact, very few are interested media has been appointed a new regional director for the office of X or has made a trade agreement with Maderas Paco to use the ERP management company. Not to say that there are few headers that will accommodate each and every one of the launches of the firm.

The media show a complete lack of interest in this news and will not give court at all but, although the den (and this also happens, especially in an environment like the Internet, where things are in a hurry and need to feed always and at all times the medium with new content) consumers receive that content with absolute reluctance. Although the press release appears in the X header and although it cut communications manager / print and include it in the clipping of content, making lump, do you really have been read these contents? Have they served some purpose and allowed to connect with the consumer? The answer is probably not.

Why the consumer is not interested in your press release?

Originally, press releases were a way to help the journalist (and that remains its primary function). Companies provide a written support that helps when doing the work and time to create the stories, but the press release input is not the story. It is what serves as a starting point to create one. The system, however, was quickly degraded and the press release became a way to get the job done and fast. Just copy and rewrite (and yes, it is the evil that is accused contemporary media, but the problem is as old as the format itself) and that generates stories that are the same everywhere and do not contribute nothing really New. For Brands it is like taking a good shot, because the stories are told as they want to be counted. For recipients is a loss of quality because the stories are repeated the same everywhere and nothing new.

And besides, consumers not interested or press releases or messages on each of the things that the CEO believes are relevant. For this to happen, for a company to get that everything he does has an interest, you first have to create an attractive and powerful identity to help connect with the consumer, that makes the news generated and creates are interesting because they simply the star. It is what happens with giants like Apple, who star today with virtually anything they do just for being them.

Moreover, press releases have lost their value and relevance as consumers have begun to assess the content differently. For them, storytelling has become a key issue and emerged as a key element, one that makes things really interesting. Now the stories are valued and not simply expected corporate spam. Consumers want to tell them stories and want these have added value, which will report something. And a press release on the latest model nails markets a chain is not telling a story.

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