Brexit: A review of the debate 3 years on over supply chains

Ahead of the EU referendum in June, there has been considerable debate from all sectors of the economy on the benefits of staying in or leaving the EU. A new survey of leading logistics professionals has found that the majority believe Britain will be better served if we stay in the EU.


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The research was carried out informally with more than 100 professionals from the UK’s leading logistical companies who were attending a UKWA networking luncheon at the House of Lords. The UKWA is the main trade body in this country that represents those working in the supply chain industry.

Logistics Sector in Favour of Staying In

The survey highlights that over 60% of those questioned believe the country will be better off if we vote to remain in the EU. This is slightly higher than surveys of the general public, which make it a tighter contest, showing a small lead for the stay campaign (51%) in the latest polls.

The event was attended by 110 senior employees from companies that are members of the UKWA, as well as suppliers, including those stocking lin bins, supply chain directors and politicians.

The Stay and Leave Campaigns

They were able to hear the views of the politicians representing both arguments to help them come to a decision before the referendum is held.

The key reasons identified by Lord Haskins, a Conservative peer, for staying in the EU were the ability to shape European banking reforms in the future and that it is important that we maintain cross-border collaboration over climate issues such as energy consumption.

Jill Seymour, the UKIP MEP, gave the arguments for leaving the EU, including the high energy costs that UK businesses are forced to pay because of European policies and the new legislation that has been implemented for the logistics sector, which has added to the costs and administration of supply chains.

The poll carried out amongst those attending this event was not scientific in any way, but it gives an indication of how the industry professionals could vote when the country goes to the polls later this year. Whichever way the country votes, it will have an impact on the operation of the logistics industry, and an exit from the EU could see major changes taking place.

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