How to Make Your Rental Property More Energy-Efficient

The government is pushing the emphasis on energy-efficient homes now more than ever. In all new properties and renewals, the building should have a minimum Band E efficiency rating. The law will include existing tenancies by 2020.

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Changes to the law mean that landlords will have to ensure their properties are more energy-efficient and make changes if needed. If you’re worried about how much work you’ll need to do, we have some great tips to improve your property’s energy-efficiency.

Replace the Boiler

Boilers are one of the biggest causes of low energy-efficiency ratings. Older boilers have a poor rating, but newer models are energy-efficient. The initial expense will be worth it in the long run, and you’re likely to find tenants that rent for longer if you install a modern boiler.

Get Double-Glazing

Most heat is lost through windows and doors, which contributes to low energy-efficiency. Double-glazing will reduce heat loss and cut energy bills, which will make the property more popular with tenants.

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Draught-Proof Cold Areas

If your windows and doors aren’t sealed properly, then warm air will escape through the gaps. It’s not a good situation, especially in winter, so you need to make sure you seal them. Check between floorboards, chimneys and the loft hatch for gaps.

It’s worth mentioning at this point that an experienced property manager will be able to advise you on any work that should be carried out. Check out CRM for property management at

LED Leads the Way

It’s the small things that matter, so don’t forget your light bulbs. Not only do LED light bulbs need to be changed less often, they also reduce energy bills. Make the change to see the benefits.

Get Smart

Smart meters are great for measuring energy usage in a property and to understand how various appliances impact annual bills. It’s a great way to improve the efficiency of your home and fix any issues.

Remember that the rental market is competitive and you need to ensure your tenants are happy with the property you let to them. High bills, cold rooms and unreliable boilers don’t just affect the energy-efficiency: they also affect how long your tenants stay. Making some investments can benefit you in the long run.

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