Social networks and brands: In search of Brand Advocates

“I have written this letter more extensive than usual because I lack the time to write shorter.” Blaise Pascal 

Really you consider that the immediate impact actions are born short process, or you agree that are most strategic processes require long and developed to achieve such an exquisite result?

Balancing the investment (time, money and resources), the value we attach to what has been achieved (prescriptor our brand) and the resulting benefits (amount of mass that can mobilize our favor) will be a difficult task if we expect their impact is immediate . Therefore, our steps must be clearly measured and determined with a projection in the short or medium term.Otherwise, only we aspire to fortune to be the love of “first sight” of our fans with some solid bases, and uncertain future. To do this we have specific campaigns, now, we are talking about something bigger.

Technological innovation, the revolution of social networks and the emergence of new networking platforms, should not obscure the simplicity that hides this accumulation of progress: people keep talking about. Out of an ethical or moral observation about this statement it is that reality shows us that “even” speak of “interaction” with human beings and understand them remains a matter of psychology, sociology or other materials that focus on observation of human behavior to different stimuli.

Social networks are nurtured public excited about being Brand Advocates, prescribers of our brands, and spokespersons of our message. Why?Answers may be multiple. Let us a first glimpse:

People seek significarnos, and realize our footprints

Leave ephemeral presence in a world that constantly reminds us of the ease of vanish. Many psychologists say that behind a photograph posted on Facebook there is a world to discover. As well as human resources departments taking as a reference the social networks to have a profile on the future candidate. It is a reality, social networks have become an open prism to access via the stamp of the person emotional, affective or objective needs.

Why then we allocate so little time to know those profiles?

The work of social networking manager, must have qualities such as skill in managing interpersonal relationships, as well as processes diplomacy and cunning. However, the ability to understand the human being and interests is likewise essential. Remember the importance of “watching”, ie, it takes time to evaluate who make up our community of Facebook, and cataloging roles as members could exercise towards our brand. This race in social networks is not only a quantitative storage “I like you” but a “qualitative” optimize them. In every function there are passive and active players, major, minor or fill, dramas, patterns, outcomes, and happy endings characters. Identify, manage, and leverage action is the only way to create history.

I deification given in a simulated leadership

In the approval is consistency. Consistency in our consistency. Consistency with our being feels strong, unbreakable, safe and above all omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. “Likes” are a positive reinforcer, symbol of approval, and reinforcement we all love. This is swell and cheering our fans and not the other. The reciprocal attitude will be an inevitable consequence. The appreciation will reflect, but first you have to lead and set a precedent. Praising our audience. Why this becomes so important in the network?

Cognitive dissonance is described as an uncomfortable state of mind as it is of ideas in “conflict”. Our psyche tends to want to create a coherent and balanced system of beliefs in relation to reality. Hence our views become more real when you are validated by those with whom we share. Do you want your brand to become a reality for your audience? Begins to validate their lifestyle, their belief system, significate before him like an equal!

To finish better than another phrase of Blaise Pascal for reflection. “The last thing you know is where to start”

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