Social networks themselves can influence buying decisions

Users are social by nature, and enjoyed the recognition of others. Hence the success of social networks. Are the perfect showcase for our daily activities.This coupled with our consumerist desire leads us to publish our brand new acquisitions in the field 2.0.

Hence 45% of social network users aged 18 to 44 years share photos and opinions about these new products that have just discovered and has been quick to try. This is reflected in the survey conducted on the occasion of the Webby Awards on how the Internet encourages the spread of market developments and how users enjoy taking advantage of these firsts and involving them to their peers. The survey reveals that 67% of users who share hope that this social activity is a reflection of their interests.

Social networks themselves can influence buying decisionsWhat we have seen is how this social practice has a decisive influence on the purchasing decisions of others. 2 out of 3 adult users of social networks with less than 45 years admits he is more willing to buy a product from a recommendation published by a friend on social networks. A trend that has grown from 40% the previous year.

This activity to share and recommend products has turned social networks into an important information when making purchasing decisions. Data released in August by Ipsos reflected that these recommendations affecting 78% of Internet users.

Users enjoy discovering and sharing content via social media. According to the study the Social Sprout, the user activity on social networks has grown 9 times faster than the networks themselves. Entertainment that also takes them to interact with brands, provided they have something really interesting to contribute.

Therefore, companies have to take this proactive users to get his attention and get your product or service to become the protagonist of the latest release of its target.

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