The Frantic Life Community manager

In a recent article  talked about how even though the Community Managers have become one of the great heroes of Social Media, these are not at all any all-terrain. However analyzing their activities and work plans we might say the opposite.

Today we bring infographics, it shows how many days of work of these professionals begin just after 5 am, in a marathon of more than 12 hours of continuous work. Something that we certainly corroborates that the efficiency and credibility of the brand can only be achieved by working steadily.

The Frantic Life Community managerWhile it is true that the figure of the Community manager should be a visible head and stands within a team disciplined and organized, its tasks and objectives leave no doubt of his frantic activity.

The first actions taken in connection occur, are focused on checking email accounts and social profiles as well as – increasingly fast- analysis of the most current information.

The objectives of these actions are obtained; receipt of feedback from our supporters and allies, identification of needs through training and the generation of new increasingly specific content.

Shares of social promotion more relevant to our market niche information, generating quality content and promotion, account for half of the day these professionals, which is coordinated jointly with dialogue and conversation with fans and followers.

This however can be a task that can stretch throughout the day. Attend to inquiries, complaints and feedback from users and followers can be a constant when it comes to big brands or pages with millions of followers.

The Community Manager should know that social networks do not rest, although it is determined by time zones. Tweets planning actions are addressed in the last hours of the night.

Interaction with team members, relations with our allies, meetings pattern are variables that are treated in the early afternoon, but sometimes can also occur in the early hours of the morning planning meetings to define objectives and a clear strategy.

Frantic days

Connectivity, analysis, innovation, interaction, review, training and planning are essential actions to manage growth properly brands.

There is no doubt that the new professions derived from social media, responding to a structural change in the paradigm of production because of course; if community managers are a part within a team, for the rest of this team, the days are too hectic.

As we have seen, the build communities around brands, manage information, reputation and business model properly, it is a matter of availability and constant interaction.

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