5 ways to better run your dental surgery

Is your dental surgery a business or a service? Naturally, it’s a service, but your ability to run it as a business means more financial security and efficiency, and a better service to your patients. But how can you run your surgery more effectively?

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1. Market your services

In order to keep your surgery in business, you have to constantly attract new clients. To do this, you need to get the message out there that your surgery offers something more than the standard available options; painless procedures, cosmetic expertise or providing a family-focused service are all marketable.

2. Check your inventory

Every business needs to make sure the right products are on hand and that nothing goes to waste. While automatic ordering can seem like the safest option, having too much stock in the cupboard represents dead money in your business. Creating an inventory system is critical for avoiding waste and there are systems available connected to billing which will check what products have been used and need to be reordered.

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3. Organised exam rooms

Your surgery rooms should provide an easy working environment with all the right tools. Time spend gathering together what is needed wastes your time and annoys patients. Checking dental equipment suppliers for the best cassette systems will ensure you have all the instruments needed on hand for every individual procedure.

4. Clear bookkeeping

Every dental surgery should look for ways to increase its effective inflow; this means ensuring a stream of new patients, more efficient equipment, and the best software and technology, while also minimising outflow. Suppliers such as Photo Surgical Systems the new name of Surgical Systems ltd can be a good place to check your systems are up to date.

5. Automated billing

It’s the twenty-first century and no one should still be using surgery time to calculate outgoing invoices. New software solutions can quickly and easily provide an automated billing procedure that will increase the effectiveness of your reception staff exponentially. What’s more, a clear error-free invoice builds trust between you and your patients and leads to higher patient retention levels.

So while your surgery is essentially a service, today good service is closely linked with better business practices. This is an attribute both you and your clients will appreciate.

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