When to replace a commercial HVAC system

The shelf life of an HVAC system for commercial use is typically between 10 and 15 years. After this time, it is likely that the HVAC system will need to be replaced. It is important to understand that even HVAC systems maintained by the best air conditioning companies will eventually need replacement once their lifespan has passed. You will most likely notice signs before this happens that indicate that your commercial HVAC system is nearing its end of life.

When is it time to replace my commercial HVAC system?

The age of your HVAC system will be one of the most obvious signs that it needs to be replaced. Only if you buy a house that has an HVAC system attached to it, will you be able to tell its age. It is vital that you keep an eye out for any other signs that could indicate that it’s time to replace the commercial HVAC system. You might find the following signs:

A Surprise Increase in Utility Bills

Your HVAC system may not be running as efficiently as before. Air-conditioning repairs can sometimes fix a problem, but many times it means that the commercial HVAC unit is no longer working and needs to be replaced.

Uneven Heating and Cooling in the Building

You should assume that if your heating and cooling system isn’t working properly, or you get complaints about it, then you need to replace it.

Strange Noises Coming from the HVAC System

You will hear strange sounds coming from your HVAC system when it is about to fail. If you hear strange noises like grinding, squealing, or tweaking, it is best to replace the system.

Unusual Odours

Odours that are unusual or out of the ordinary can be a sign that your HVAC system is malfunctioning. It is important to have your HVAC system checked by a professional as soon as possible in such situations. For Air conditioning Gloucester, go to acecc.co.uk/

Poor Air Quality in the Building

You may notice that the quality of air in your building is beginning to decline. Those with allergies or respiratory problems will be more likely to notice the distress. If you notice that you’re experiencing more respiratory distress than normal, it could be because your HVAC system is starting to fail.

Visual Signs of Malfunction

You may also notice other signs of a malfunctioning HVAC system. You might see rust on the pipes or rusty stains in your walls/windows.

Why HVAC Repairs Are Required Frequently

If you find yourself in need of constant air conditioning repairs much more often than normal, it is likely that your HVAC unit is on its last legs and needs to be replaced. It’s time to consider getting a replacement system.

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