Monthly Archive: July 2017
Despite having the same element, silicon and silicone are very different materials, with diverse applications. What are the properties of each and what are they commonly used for? Image Credit Silicon Silicon is the...
Chia seeds have become very popular in the last few years, but do you know what they are? Chia seeds are small black seeds that come from the Salvia hispanica plant, which is part...
Get playing At the start of the game you may need to put in an ‘ante’ – this is a contribution to the pot that all players must make. Depending on your position at...
If you are one of those who eats away from home, at work or leaving the gym and looking for healthy options, surely you have chosen more than once the packaged salads that we usually find...
As nothing is perfect, despite the good things, Windows 10 has had a lot of telita to cut in terms of annoying functions, especially on the side of privacy. There are many features of the operating system...
There are plenty of controversies surrounding pharmaceutical companies in developing nations, but usually these are related to access to drugs and pricing. In India, the controversy surrounds not access to drugs but the conditions...