We’re Moving!

Whether you are moving into your first business premises or have decided to move to new and bigger office space, there are many things that need to be taken into consideration. It’s an exciting time but you want to make sure you’ve got all your t’s crossed and I’s dotted to save you time, money and a whole load of hassle. Here are some handy hints for moving premises:

Future Accessibility

Whether you have existing employees or hope to in the future, your new premises need to be easily accessible. You don’t want to make it more difficult for staff to reach work so pay attention to local transport links and areas where any existing staff live. If you’ve been offered a cracking deal on a particular space but the location is awkward then consider introducing flexible working arrangements for your staff so you don’t lose their enthusiasm and skills! If you will be having clients visit, then the same ease of accessibility needs to be applied to them too.

Great Flexibility

It pays to keep an open mind as there is loads of choice available. There are short-term and long-term leases, serviced offices, possible rent-free introductory periods, pre-fitted equipment and shared premises which can reduce cleaning costs and offers shared insurance as well. It can work out cheaper and more effective to share meeting rooms, bathrooms and kitchens with other offices in a building to cut costs. Be sure to explore all the options available to decide which is the best option for your business.


Give yourself plenty of time for the move so you’re not left making rushed decisions. You may need to be running your business and moving at the same time so do plenty of research ahead of time and prepare time scales and budgets before making any concrete decisions.


Ensure all current safety aspects are up-to-date and legal in the premises that you’re moving to. If you’re in any doubt then employ a professional fire risk company to come and check everything over for you. For a Fire Risk Consultancy, visit http://keloscape.co.uk/fire-risk-consultancy/

Stick to a budget

Whether you approach a move independently or hire an agent to help, you need to understand how much the move is going to cost and factor in the ongoing costs to the business as well. Will you need to adapt the new property in any way? Is there any refurbishment involved? These are questions that will need answering when calculating what your budget can comfortably stretch to. You may also need to seek permission from the landlord and any negotiations will cost time and extra money as well.


Almost every business these days relies heavily on being connected to the internet to carry out daily tasks. What is the capacity of the building? Is the internet speed fast enough? Who will be responsible for the server? Purpose-built premises will most likely have all this already in place but if you’re considering a period property, then adapting for more technology and future advances may not be quite so straightforward.

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