Planning your autumn wedding outfit
It is no easy guide to be the best-dressed guest at a wedding, especially for men in the autumn. There is a very fine line between appearing like anyone else and bringing your manly style to your clothing choices. Here we share some of our best design secrets for an autumn wedding to use as fashion inspiration.
When it comes to preparing for an autumn wedding, the most obvious alternative is the classic suit. This is an easy choice, but it can take some serious talent to make it stand out and look extraordinary. It will go a long way towards vamping up your classic suit by adding the right accessories and colours. Having some Farah Clothes from is a great place to start.
You need to keep a few different things in mind when you pick a suit for an autumn wedding. One is what colour is being worn by the groomsmen – you don’t want to end up wearing similar colours or patterns. Also, take the time to make sure that your suits and shirts match correctly. Choose a pair of trousers from another suit, but in a matching colour; you will look absolutely suitable for your wedding, but you will always stand out from the other wedding guests.
For certain weddings, a more casual look might be suitable. A versatile dress code ensures that your wardrobe can be a little more laid-back, but it can also be an opportunity to demonstrate your personal style; you can pair a smarter blazer with jeans and an open-collared shirt, for example. This look is cool but still ties in with the autumnal theme and is entirely suitable for weddings.