A beginner’s guide to the bending machine

A bending machine is a mechanical tool used to bend various materials, primarily metal sheets or plates. It uses a hydraulic or mechanical mechanism to apply force and create precise bends in the material.

Types of bending machines

There are various types of Euromac bending machines available from specialists such as Cotswold Machinery.

Manual bending machines are operated by hand and require physical force to bend the material. They are suitable for light-duty bending tasks.

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Hydraulic bending machines use hydraulic pressure to apply force, allowing for more precise and powerful bending of materials. They are suitable for bending thicker and heavier materials.

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) bending machines are automated and controlled by computer programs. They provide high precision and efficiency in bending operations. You can read about the various types of bending machines here:

Basic components

A bending machine consists of a sturdy frame which provides structural support and stability. The bed is the flat surface where the material to be bent is placed. The upper beam, also known as the ram or the punch, is a movable component which applies force to the material during the bending process while the lower beam, also known as the die, serves as a support.

The back gauge is an adjustable device which helps position the material accurately for consistent bends. On CNC bending machines, the control panel allows for programming and customisation of bending operations.

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Operating steps

First, securely position the machine, ensuring the material is properly aligned and adjust the back gauge according to the desired bend angle. Place the material on the bed, aligning it with the back gauge. Ensure it is flat and firmly held in place.

Adjust the machine settings, such as bending angle, bend length, and force according to the material and desired outcome. CNC machines require programming through the control panel.

Activate the machine’s mechanism to apply force gradually. The upper beam presses down on the material, bending it against the lower beam. Always follow safety precautions and be aware of the machine’s capacity to prevent accidents.

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