What Places in the Workplace are the Dirtiest?
Hygiene in the workplace is important – it is something that not only has an impact on morale but also means that you are less likely to have staff shortages when you have a clean office. When more attention is paid to hygiene you reduce the risks of illness spreading around the workplace, as well as pests causing problems, and staff will generally feel better working in a cleaner environment.
Getting a professional cleaner like this commercial cleaners Cheltenham based business https://biggreencleaning.co.uk/contract-cleaning-services/commercial-cleaning-near-me/commercial-cleaning-cheltenham/ to come and take care of the workplace and keep it clean is one of the best ways to ensure that it is kept up to a good standard, but it is also important to be aware of the places that are particularly germy so that they can be cleaned regularly. Here are some of the places to be aware of…
Keyboards – Computer keyboards are well known germ harbours, and the cracks in between the keys can easily collect dirt and other detritus. Avoid eating at desks as this is partly what allows germs to build up on a keyboard and give the keyboard a regular clean.
Door Handles – One of the big offenders for being touched and used a lot by multiple hands are door handles. Cleaning the door handles on a regular basis helps to reduce the spread of germs, especially if there are bugs doing the rounds at your workplace.
Lift Buttons – If you have a lift in your workplace this is a place that many people will be using to come in and out and of course this means that the buttons of the lift will be touched a lot, making it easy for them to get dirty and germy. Cleaning these buttons regularly each day ensures that it is less likely that germs will spread, especially if it is a larger building with lots of people using it.
Shared Equipment – If there is equipment in the workplace that many people share, such as a photocopier for example, be aware that there are going to be lots of hands touching it every day. Having hand sanitiser placed next to it helps, as well as making sure that antibacterial wipes are available (make sure that they are ok to be used on the items that you want to use them on) to wipe it down regularly too.