Vivaldi launches version 1.8 filling statistics with your browsing history
The Vivaldi browser usually accompanies each new version of a fundamental characteristic on which the full weight of the novelties return. Today they just released version 1.8, and the chosen feature has been the history page. From now on, it will offer you some advanced statistics about your browsing habits.
We are used to that the browser history is limited to tell us in which pages we have entered. But those who want to better understand how to navigate or find specific pages in an advanced way need a little more. This is where the new history comes in that will tell you which pages you have entered each day and how much time you have spent in them.
Absolute control over your browsing habits
One of the characteristics that define the Vivaldi project, and on which its CEO Jon von Tetzchner insisted a lot in the interview that we did a few months ago, is to offer the maximum number of possible options and tools so that the user can choose whether to use the browser in basic or advanced form.
In that direction is where this new record goes, which is not limited to telling you what pages you have entered, but also specifies when and how much you have done. You can even put a monthly view to see a calendar in which you will be indicated by colors which days you have navigated more and which ones less.
This serves, for example, to locate that page that you accessed one day on Twitter and in which you spent so much time. You can choose a week, select Twitter as a source and you can see which days have been more in the social network. From there, selecting one in particular, you will know which pages you have entered from Twitter and maybe you will find the one whose name you do not remember.
The function includes information about visualizations and unique pages seen every day, and on the right side everything is complemented with graphs that show you the evolution of your browsing activity per hour, the type of links you access most or the domains to which What else have you entered in the chosen day, week or month? All types of views can be edited to adapt them to your needs.
Vivaldi assures that all the information that shows you is strictly private and local, being able to see only from any browser. They say that they do not store any of this data , they only offer it to you so that you have a better control of your browsing habits.
There are also other novelties
Vivaldi 1.8 also includes other novelties, such as the possibility of creating notes by choosing a text and dragging it to the notes menu located on the left side of the screen. It also adds more options to mute tabs so you can make only the active one play sounds and allow you to activate your automatic updates in Windows.
It also lets you open links in the active tab or search for images with the right-click menu, gives you the option to view the hibernate tabs in gray scale, and incorporates the improvements in the translations of the Chromium project on which it is based. If you want this new version of Vivaldi you only have to update it if you already have it installed or download it from its official website.