The technology is increasingly influencing purchase decisions of parents

Internet has completely transformed our lives: not only the way we communicate and find information, but also how to buy or to educate our children. And there are many studies that emphasize the growing importance of social networks and websites when making decisions about the care of children: yes formerly called the grandmother to solve doubts now uses YouTube.

The technology is increasingly influencing purchase decisions of parentsAnd that is even more pronounced when buying a product: parents are experts compare prices, read reviews and find all kinds of information about online products before making any decision. And among younger, all this happens on mobile.

Thus it is revealed in a new study of Facebook IQ on how technology influences the purchasing decisions householders. To reach these conclusions, more than 8,000 parents aged 25 to 65 years were surveyed (whether parents of infants, children or adolescents) from 8 different countries. And the first thing that stands out , though expected, is that every time the technology has a greater weight: if among millennials parents, 41% say that mobile devices help them make smarter decisions purchase, the baby boomers only 30% think the same.

Most striking is find out what they do through mobile: most, go to the Internet and social networks to learn about products or watch online videos related to products or services so they are interested.

Children have greater influence than ever

The report explains that “what we have learned is that, increasingly, there is a wide network of influence over the decisions of parents. The modern family is a place where friends’ inclusive circle, experts, brands and especially the views of children are encouraged and taken seriously. in both decisions everyday type “What movie to see?” as in most large purchases like “PC or Mac?” children in particular are designing the direction in which the money is moves at home.”

And this study also reveals the growing influence of small when family purchase decisions. For starters, more child – oriented universe purchases are made, and 57% of respondents believe they are buying more oriented to children of parents who bought their products. In addition, children have a greater impact on all purchases, which recognize 40% of parents of babies, and up to 62% of parents of teenagers. As children grow, parents like increasingly getting their feedback on products to buy.

Children influence all decisions, from how much money to spend (71%) to how to spend free time (70%), where to go on vacation (64%) or where and how often you go to eat out (58%). However, the sectors in which children have a more direct influence on spending are in fast food restaurants (for 38% of parents), soft drinks (25%), packaged food (17%), travel ( 17%) and personal care products (12%).

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