Planning a build project

There is a strong temptation to dive right into a remodelling project. The sooner you start, the sooner you will do it, right? Unfortunately, it does not work like that if you do not do some planning up front. Every professional contractor design runs their company in a different way, but private homeowners normally have to follow the same steps to get to the construction phase.

Here are six important steps to help you plan for a successful home renovation, and the reason they are so important to each project.

  1. Choose a design professional. The first step is creating a detailed plan and a considered scope of work. Many people choose to hire an architect or interior designer, and sometimes both. Many designers choose to assist on jobs that do not involve major structural changes or additions, and also help with the selection of materials and colours. Architects can take on various jobs, or work only on floor plans and permits, and leave the details of the planning of electricity, bath and kitchen for other designers.

Choosing the design professionals usually begins with a one-to-one meeting, which could take several weeks based on the number of different companies you are interviewing. This is your opportunity to understand the services that each company offers and make sure they fit in with what you would expect. It’s also important that you have a budget for your project in mind that you are communicating clearly to the company you hire, so the design can align with what you plan to invest.

  1. Create a plan. After selecting a design firm, it’s time to start making plans. Usually there are at least two and sometimes three good ways to achieve your design goals. Plans are usually called schematics and they often involve a rough layout of the floor plan and a few simple views of the outside of the home. It takes time for design professionals to work this out, and then usually one or two weeks for homeowners to consider them and make a decision. If it’s a larger project or a homeowner wants additional changes made to the scheme, this first phase can take a few months. For a Building Services, visit
  2. Interview contractors. Contractors are often brought on board when the final schematic has been approved. Usually there is at least a general idea of ​​how the house will look from the outside, dimensioned floor plan and some initial material selection. With much of this information, it should be possible to provide an initial estimate of cost. After that you may want to call the references, visit jobsites or conduct additional research before making a decision about the contractor you hire.

  1. Go shopping. Love to shop or hate to shop? It can determine whether you ask a designer to help with the selection of your material. Even for those who get a thrill from shopping can feel overwhelmed by all the choices and want some professional assistance. Try to keep in mind the sheer amount of things that need to be selected, from the door handles and windows to types of work surfaces and lighting. To really keep a handle on the cost of your project, it’s best to pick every last thing ahead of construction. This will allow your contractor to tell you the price for what you like and true material purchasing schedule based on lead time.


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