How do you create a retro-style kitchen?

Do you have a dream of having a retro-style kitchen? This style has been gaining popularity in recent years. It includes kitchens with bright, vibrant colours and patterns, and soft, round shapes. Here are some ideas to give your kitchen a retro look:

  1. Choose pastels

Choose pastel hues and shades for retro kitsch. For a subtle look, choose hues like baby blues, mint greens or light pinks.

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  1. Dine out

Retro chic is synonymous with kitchen diners. In the 1950s, families combined the traditional dining space with the kitchen in order to create a more open and social dining area. Think matching chairs, chrome-edged furniture and bright wipeable tables. When you want a Kitchen Refurb, go to /

  1. Retro appliances

You can add retro style to your home by using your appliances. It can be a more affordable option than replacing the entire cabinetry. Retro designs are available for items like kettles, toasters and fridges. American-style refrigerators with pastel colours and rounded edges make a good investment for retro or contemporary kitchens.

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  1. Cream cabinets

You can achieve a 1950s look by selecting cream cabinets and contrasting worktops. Formica worktops will give your kitchen a retro feel.

  1. Tiles for splashback

You can also DIY a tiled backsplash if your budget is tight. Retro design is best achieved with geometric patterns in pastel colours.

  1. Stainless steel

If you like retro, but don’t care for pastels, consider a more edgy look using curved stainless steel. This gives your kitchen a more industrial feeling.

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