Benefits of yogurt, even for people with trouble ingesting lactose

Obtained from fermentation of milk, yogurt is a dairy food with a flavor and texture characteristics derived from the conversion of lactose into lactic acid. In the next lines we will reveal the many benefits that yogurt can bring to your health, even for people with trouble ingesting lactose.

The not inconsiderable 34% of peoples has trouble digesting the sugar found in milk, lactose. Flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea and bloating n are some of the symptoms to present a bigoted this disaccharide. Typically, this group of people choose to eliminate dairy from your diet, jeopardizing the sake of getting an adequate intake of calcium and other nutrients in your daily diet that are really important to the body.

Benefits of yogurt, even for people with trouble ingesting lactoseHowever, it must be remembered that for people who have trouble digesting lactose not all existing dairy foods are difficult to digest primarily because the degree of deficiency of the enzyme lactose is variable and that the amount of lactose that causes symptoms vary from person to person. In addition, it is considered that also influences the percentage of each food containing lactose. In the above case yogurt, you should know that this food has only 4 grams of lactose, which may be a good option for people who have trouble digesting lactose.

Benefits of yogurt for health

Precisely for this reason, the yogurt may be better tolerated than milk or even cheese. A large percentage of people diagnosed as lactose maldigestores can tolerate up to 12 g consumption of lactose a distributed fashion throughout the day, with yogurt can.

After fermentation, above, yogurt gets a physical and organoleptic characteristics that make it one of the foods most beneficial dairy and complete for our body. Overall, it is an excellent supply of vitamins A and B, plus minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which is incorporated into the metabolism of bone tissue quickly, thus contributing to the maintenance of bones and teeth in conditions normal and proper functioning of muscles.

Very different studies and research conducted in this regard have confirmed that consumed in sufficient quantities, the microorganisms present in yogurt help in digestion of lactose.

Yogurts give us about 20% of daily calcium intake. Nutrition experts do not hesitate to say that it would be interesting to include in our diet two to four servings of dairy a day, ensuring a total of three portions in the stages of childhood, adolescence and pregnancy when calcium needs are more pressing.

The calcium in yogurt is more absorbable for our digestive system and ease back to the body move. It also contains proteins of high biological value, which maintain and renew the tissues of our body.

Do you guys do you usually include yogurt in your diet? How often do you consume?

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