Sookie Sookie Boutique Delightfully Different


How to Choose the Right Hiking Socks

A good pair of hiking socks is essential gear for anyone seeking to get into walking as an outdoor leisure activity. In fact, many experienced walkers will testify that your choice of socks can...


Your countdown to moving day

You have decided to move home and are looking forward to settling in your property. Now you need to focus on moving day and all the plans and preparations that you need to put...


What Problems Can Arise During Demolition?

The process of demolition of a building is not without any troubles. Demolition can occur in one day or more than a week. In a short time, the building is left completely destroyed. Demolition...


Ways to heat your home

Are you looking for ways to heat your home during the winter? We have a list of some great options available to you. The choices that you make will depend on the type of...


A brief history of the British timber trade

Britain has been a trading area for many different items and products over the years, whether this has been sugar and tea or timber, the country has developed significantly in terms of the items...


Septic tanks explained

It is stated in Building Regulations that, wherever feasible, a property must be connected to the mains sewer, even if it’s through a sewage pump station, to eliminate waste and wastewater. Only if this...