Category: Reviews


What does the brain do?

Vision Human vision involves several stages. Details are received from the eyes in the first phase to the occipital lobe. A signal then travels to the parietal lobe, to calculate the location of the...


Glass in all its different varieties

Glass is all around us, whether in the windows of our homes and cars and also in the items that we use to drink our wine and juice from. It is created in standard...


The Benefits of Wooden Windows

Not only do wooden windows tend to look nicer, but the quality and design of timber windows is better than ever before. Image Credit Durable Modern wooden window frames are made out of specially...


How well do you know your boiler?

How often do you think about your boiler? Probably only when a Boiler Service Essex company comes in each year to give your system a check over. Image Credit Your boiler is more complicated...