Category: Health

Packaged salads could endanger health 0

Packaged salads could endanger health

If you are one of those who eats away from home, at work or leaving the gym and looking for healthy options, surely you have chosen more than once the packaged salads that we usually find...

Know what factors can make you eat more 0

Know what factors can make you eat more

Some time ago we counted some resources that according to science, help to eat less. However, there are also habits, factors and foods that can make you eat more and that are the ones that we should know...

Do you run to lose weight? Avoid these mistakes 0

Do you run to lose weight? Avoid these mistakes

Running is one of the most used activities with the goal of losing weight, because it can really be a useful resource when we seek to get rid of the extra pounds. But if you run to lose weight and...